Legacy SPARC serves a purpose...BUT
Maintaining older SPARC for the applications?
If so you’re not alone. Many users are continuing to run legacy SPARC systems because their applications are stable on Solaris 10 and they either can’t or don’t want to migrate to Solaris 11, a requirement for new SPARC T systems. (Estimates are that as many as 50% of all SPARC systems in service are still running Solaris 10) The dependence on older, less reliable hardware can be expensive as high maintenance costs and management time add significantly to IT overhead.
There is an option. The Fujitsu SPARC M12 (sold by Oracle) runs either Solaris 10 or 11 on bare metal, and Solaris 8/9 in a Solaris 10 zone. Upgrading and consolidating multiple legacy SPARC systems on the new Fujitsu M21-1 or M12-2 can reduce support, maintenance and licensing costs substantially.
The Fujitsu M12 processor cores are the most advanced in the industry today, with 2.5x the performance of their M10 predecessors. Consolidating older applications onto fewer cores can also significantly reduce licensing costs.
There’s more…
- The Capacity-on-Demand feature in all M12 systems means you can pay to license as few as one core at a time and scale up seamlessly with demand
- A configured 1U M12-1 can cost under $20,000 including Solaris license.
Contact us for more details about how you can reduce licensing, and find more information about Fujitsu servers at smi-tech.com/sun-oracle-servers.
Demo systems are available.